News & Events

Removal of Beneficiary

Kindly inform Nationwide Medical Insurance whenever a member is leaving your employment Retrieve and submit membership card to Nationwide Fill the removal of beneficiary form if you are unable to retrieve card from member. Download from here.

What happens to me during an emergency?

Emergency is an unexpectedly injury to or illness of a Beneficiary, which requires immediate medical intervention to preserve life. You are required to pay if your NMI plan specific service provider isn’t available within the locality where the emergency occurred. Submit the receipt and request forms to your Company HR or contact Nationwide immediately.

How to file for refund

Fill NMI Claim Form. Click here Attach original copies of prescription or lab request form and receipts covering payment made. Receipt for drugs Should be accompanied by a valid prescription (prescription with the beneficiary’s name, date, clinical information, doctor’s signature, doctor’s name and stamp) Receipts for Labs and diagnosis Should be accompanied by a valid … Continued

What happens when I exceed my benefit limit?

This rarely happens but your medical cover ends immediately. NMI notifies member(s) who exceed 70% of their utilization. Members are encouraged to restrict medical expenses wherever possible to reasonable limits, so as to accumulate enough reserves for emergencies or sudden life threatening medical conditions.

Card replacement

Fill card replacement form. Click here Ensure company HR endorses form All card replacement comes at a fee

Can I change my benefit package after enrollment?

Yes, moving from one plan to another is allowed .However upgrade can only be done within the first quarter [3 months] of the policy period /benefit year Upgrades are subject to conditions [contact your Relationship Manager for further details]