Corporate Health Insurance
According to research, healthcare benefit is one of the major differentiators for attracting and retaining high caliber staff.
The healthcare of employees is no longer a passive function of the employer. It is now very strategic in the delivery of employee value proposition and making the employer a progressive one. Our corporate medical insurance plans have the perfect balance between healthcare cover for employees and measurable business benefits that include reduced sickness absence, increased productivity and improved employee morale. Our plans enable you to make choices that reflect both your stage and budget, and they can be adjusted as required to meet your changing health needs.
Our Corporate Health Insurance Plans include
Essential Care Plan
Our base plan affords you quality care and access to over 350 of our healthcare facilities.
Executive Care Plan
This plan offers care with increased limits and gives members access to over 400 of our healthcare facilities.
Premier Care Plan
Offers members wide range healthcare benefits and access to over 500 healthcare facilities.
Premier Plus Plan
Offers premium healthcare benefits and access to over 550 healthcare facilities.
Privilege Care Plan
Offers optimal healthcare benefits with access to further treatment to South Africa and India upon referral.
Our plan types suit different organizations
Organized Groups
[Minimum of 10]
Small & Medium Enterprises
[Minimum of 10]
Corporate Groups
[Minimum of 10]

We go the extra mile
Nationwide Mobile App
A subscriber portal available on goggle play store and app store. Subscribers have access to your health insurance benefits, e-card, location of health service providers, monitoring of health statistics at individual level, file for refund, request for card replacement, details of claims history, Nationwide service guide, Health News etc.
Over 14 Critical Illnesses Covered
Dread disease cover assures adequate financing for diseases that are not covered under conventional health insurance
The E-card feature of the app displays an electronic version of the subscribers’ health insurance card. With that, one can have instant access to healthcare.
Claims Alert Via SMS
For transparency and individual level participation in claims management process, subscribers receive real time claims alert on policy usage to assist with management of the limit on benefit.
Toll free Call Centre
Call our toll free number anytime between 6am to 8pm (Monday to Saturday) for any form of assistance. 0800 222 222
Relationship Managers with Hotlines
Our clients are special to us and integral to the growth of our business. Hence, dedicated Relationship managers are assigned to each client.
Medical Evacuations
Emergency evacuation abroad for urgent medical care with concierge medical services available
In House Clinic/Virtual Clinics
Set up and management of onsite clinic to improve access to healthcare and reduce absenteeism
Mobile Medicine Delivery
Allows you to request your prescribed medications to be delivered at the place of work via the Medpharma apps. These medicine delivery providers are available for download from Google or App store
Telemedicine Platform
With our teleconsultation platform, you can consult with a Doctor without having to be physically present at a medical facility
Annual Medical Examinations
Ask the Doctor
This is a medical advisory program that gives subscribers the opportunity to call toll free line 0800 222 222 to ask the doctor questions relating to specific areas of healthcare. Program is held every last Friday of the month.
Utilization and Morbidity Reports
Provision of regular and up to date information on medical services accessed
Medicine Refill program for chronic health patients
Refill of prescriptions and management of medication for chronic care patients with mobile medicine delivery service
Health Promotions
Health talks by various medical practitioners and general screening with medical consultation for staff